Monday, May 12, 2008

Fashion Tips

I have a few friends who often asked me for fashion tips. I have to laugh when they do this because I am hardly what you would call the clothes horse. I have other friends who are much better at picking out clothing, and I often refer questions to these people. If you want fashion tips I am the last person in the world you should ask. Though I can trust myself for my own choices, I would not trust my fashion sense well enough to guide someone else. If you have friends like me, there are other places you can go to get great tips so you can look good whenever you leave the house.

One of the best places to get fashion tips is to read a fashion magazine. There are some magazines out there that offer nothing but advice about clothing and accessories. I never personally purchase any of these magazines, but I have a lot of friends who do. You can find fashion tips in almost any women’s magazine that you find on the rack, but the best tips will come from those devoted to fashion exclusively.

If you are looking for specific fashion tips, you may want to buy a specific magazine. For example, if you are about to be a bride, you may want to buy bridal magazines to help you decide what dress to wear, what shoes to wear with it, and how to choose your accessories. If you are concerned about dressing your children, but you are unsure about fashion like I am, you can find many children’s magazines that will offer you fashion tips just for little ones.

You may also look for fashion tips online. You may find many of the fashion magazines on the shelves also have websites online. The best thing about these websites is that for the most part, they are free. You won’t have to pay the cover price of a magazine to get the same fashion tips they offer in their monthly editions. You may not find everything the magazine has to offer, but she will probably find what you need. There are many from which to choose, and there are other websites to help you as well. A simple search online should dig up all the fashion tips you could ever need. Remember that not all advice is created equal, and that you will know your own style when you see it.

Calvin Klein Jeans

Looking stylish is something we all strive to do regardless of age. For those days when a casual look is called for consider wearing Calvin Klein jeans. They are comfortable and they can be worn almost anywhere from a nightclub to taking your kids to the park. These jeans come in several different cuts, sizes and washes.

You don’t need to live near a boutique to get your hands on a pair of these. Many department stores now sell Calvin Klein jeans for both men and women. All you need to do is try on a few pairs to find the right cut to complement your body type.

Men seem to be drawn to boot cut jeans. This is probably because most men are comfortable in just about any jeans as long as they fit. For women it’s a bit different and they may end up having to try on several pairs of Calvin Klein jeans before they find a pair they want.

For women dressing them up is relatively simple. A nice glittery top combined with a pair of black or red heels instantly transforms Calvin Klein jeans into a stunning outfit to wear on a date. If it’s chilly outside top it off with a blazer and you look sophisticated and polished while wearing jeans.

When paired with a sweater and suede boots they make a nice fall look. For the spring a light colored blouse looks fantastic when worn with a pair of dark washed Calvin Klein jeans. When a woman finds a jean with a good fit she can make it look great with almost anything.

Men usually prefer a t-shirt and either a leather or denim jacket with jeans. Cowboy boots also look great with Calvin Klein jeans as do leather loafers. Men seem to prefer wearing a belt with their jeans more than women do although it goes without saying that it’s certainly not mandatory. If a belt is part of the ensemble remember to try and match it with the shoes if at all possible. Even for men who aren’t that concerned with fashion trends this is a good rule to remember.

Washing them is as easy as throwing them in the washing machine. A good rule of thumb is to wash your Calvin Klein jeans inside out. This helps to keep the color from fading and also aids in maintaining the look longer. Laying them flat or hanging them up to dry is a better choice than throwing them in a dryer. The heat from the dryer can damage the fibers of your jeans and even cause them to shrink.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Public Relations In The Fashion Industry

Corporate public relations has always been a very dicey business. When things are going well, you are on top of the world, but when things are going badly you are practically a fall guy. You are ceaselessly in the public eye, being scrutinized by the press and attacked as a spin doctor by anyone who doesn't believe what you are telling. Never mind that the public relations firms are only representing what their clients want them to tell. Never mind that we aren't running the industries, polluting the environment, or exploiting the workers ourselves. We still get the brunt of it.

Fashion public relations always seemed safe up until recently. After all, what could go wrong with marketing relations for the fashion industry? Clothes are not particularly environmentally unfriendly or dangerous. They do not cause violence or addiction. They may cost a little bit more than they are worth, but that is it. Fashion public relations seemed like it would be a breeze. That is why got involved in in the first place – I thought I could make some good money and not have to work too hard. I should have thought twice.

Since last year, it has been nothing but a crisis public relations where I work. I cannot tell you the particular manufacturer that I work for, but it is one of the big ones – the top names in the fashion industry. In the past, fashion public relations was basically window dressing for them. They have always had such a formidable reputation that there wasn't all that much to be done as far as spin doctoring went. Then the news about the sweatshops came out, and suddenly fashion public relations became the most hot, uncomfortable occupation in the whole outfit. I am beginning to regret the day I got into pr public relations.

Apparently, the company I work for has been getting clothes manufactured in Chinese labor camps. Try addressing something like that in a fashion public relations press hearing! There is just simply no way to spin it. You can say that the people are criminals, but then someone will bring up China's record of human rights violations. You can claim that the company doesn't know, but of course that is patently false. All that remains for a fashion public relations official to do in those circumstances is to talk in circles and hope that everyone will go away.

Sensation Of Fashion Modeling Job

If there was one thing about my life that has surprised me so far, it is becoming a fashion model. You see, I have always been very independent. I never put a lot of energy into my dress because I don't really care that much how people look at me. If all they see is what I am wearing then I'm content not to be their friend. As you could probably guess, this is not the attitude most common among fashion models. Fashion models love clothing, and obsess about body image. I just happen to be gifted with a thin body and a winning smile which, combined with my sensational sense of poise, is enough to get a fashion modeling job.

None of the really good clothes models that I know set out to do it. People who set out to become clothing models rarely have what it takes. They are too obsessed with the way people look at them, too driven to be liked, and in general to needy. In the short term, these types of fashion models can be very successful, but over the longer run they tend to burn out. They are the ones who fall victim to all of the pitfalls of the fashion model world. They get into drugs or end up in the hospital with a bad case of anorexia or bulimia. Whatever the case, they are not the runway fashion models who are remembered for years to come.

The problem is that you need such thick skin to look for modeling jobs. I was lucky and stumbled into a modeling job, but this is not usually the case. There are literally tens of thousands of fashion models competing for a fraction as many jobs. Don't get me wrong – if you stick around for long enough, one gig or another will come around – but it is seldom enough to pay the bills.

The real tragedy of it is that a lot of fashion models have their sense of self-esteem tied to whether or not they are accepted into these jobs. Not only do they put their lives on hold while they look for fashion model jobs, but their self-esteem suffers each and every day. It may look like glamor from the outside, but in reality it is not a very good life for fashion models. If you are needy, find some other way to boost your self-esteem!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Latest Trends In Fashion World

Fashion is such a massive industry. It seems like it only grows larger as time progresses. We can always catch runway shows sporting the latest trends on E or Style Network. Typically these involve super-thin models strutting down the runway like trained horses. Yes, i know, it sounds cruel. However, if you've seen one of these shows before, then you must know what I'm referring to. Now, what does all this mean? Why are all the models so skinny and waify looking? Does this mirror our society? Ha, I seriously doubt it does her in the USA. I think the average sized American wears like a 13. Therefore, why don't we advertise this a bit? Why don't we see more plus size teen fashion runway shows? Are they not in demand?

What size are you? Or maybe you don't wish to say. This is understandable. A lot of people do not like to let the world know what size clothing they wear. This means only one thing. You're embarrassed about it. Now, hold your horses! This is not meant as an insult, but rather a deduction I've made. The media has everyone scared. This is why many people think they're fat. They always listen to what the media deems beautiful. Don't! If less people would, then maybe there would be more plus size teen fashion and women's clothing. Of course you don't want to take this the wrong way, and gain tons of weight. That wouldn't be healthy. But, no one says that you have to weight 32 pounds soaking wet either. There is a middle to this. A place where folks can be healthy and still look nice. Because let's face it, many of those runway models look near-death. I want to pass them a protein shake or something.

The good news is that plus size teen fashion and women's fashion does exist. You simply don't see it glorified all over E or Style. You don't see it in Cosmo or Marie Claire. The fashion gurus keep the plus size teen fashion and larger models hidden in the background. This is unfair and lame. America has a right to see all sides of the spectrum and not just one. At least this way folks would know that there are beautiful people out there wearing the same size clothing as they do. Let's broaden that fashion world a bit!

The Latest Japanese Trends In The Fashion World

Each country does their own fashion thing. I spent some time in Asia and can honestly say that their trends vary from what you see here in the states. Japanese fashion in particular caught my attention. I almost thought that their attire was more risque than ours. Of course they live by a different set of rules over there. All in all, I suppose it's fair to say that pretty much anything goes in certain parts of Asia. I just don't know if America is ready for some of the things I saw while visiting last summer.

Punk fashion is virtually everywhere now days. I initially thought if I visited Asia, I would never see oodles of piercings and tattoos like we do here in the states. Wow, was I ever delusional. Current Japanese fashion is loaded with these trends. You might even see more Gothic/punk outer-wear over there than you do over here. The hairstyles were insane and colorful to say the very least. Naturally like in most regions, these fashion trends involved primarily the youth. I didn't see any 50 year old business men with tattoos and lip piercings. I suppose what is regarded as professional over there if likely similar to here. Most countries tend to agree on this notion. Or at least from what I've deducted.

Check this out. One of the most bizarre Japanese fashion trends I encountered in Tokyo was see-through clothing. Actually it wasn't see-through at all. Instead it had a picture on it. Can you imagine a woman walking around in a skirt with a picture on it, leading others to believe that they're seeing her nude legs and underwear? This is just weird if you ask me. I can't really grasp the point of this odd fashion trend. But I will say that I wouldn't want my wife, child, or sister wearing such a garment. It's just a bit too extreme and perverse for my taste. I understand that the fashion world is a forever-changing entity, but sometimes designers are taking it too far. What ever happened to just good old-fashioned clothes that keep you warm in the winter, cool in the summer and looking nice?